Tuesday 7 October 2008

7 October 2008

Today is Edwin's 41st Birthday!
Daniel was excited as ever. He was out of bed early (a real miracle that I did not have to nag him). He busily wrapped a present (a painted rock he'd made during the Summer holiday, some half used stickers and a pamphlet for the Nene Valley train line) and made a card. We then went downstairs to make breakfast of bacon, scrambled egg and toast. Daniel decorated Edwin's place with the gift, cards and half deflated birthday balloons he'd acquired from a party he'd been to a few weeks previously. He also wanted to go down to the church hall and decorate that for the party and could not understand that there wasn't going to be a party. 'But everyone has a party when it's their birthday!' Hopefully I've been able to reasure him with 2nd best - chocolate cake after school, and he can invite Wendy and Terry to join us. Needless to say we were a little late for school.

Now, what have we been up to. Played a great game of Scrabble over the weekend. Started on Friday with pizza, then for pudding - Strawberries with ice-cream. Game ended Sunday afternoon.

Well this is basically a test to see if I can manage getting a post created. Now to see the results.